Gas poisons officers at refurb

2010-08-30 10:22:59

POLICE officers have been poisoned by potentially lethal carbon monoxide at the Derbyshire force's refurbished firing range.

Now Pounds 70,000 may have to spent on a ventilation system to correct the problem.

The range was refurbished only last year at a cost of Pounds 112,000.

But two instructors from the firearms team suffered headaches and nausea after training there.

Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless, poisonous gas.

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Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, breathlessness, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and vomiting.

But it can also prove fatal. Police say the carbon monoxide is produced when weapons are fired, but a problem with the ventilation system means that the polluted air is not being properly circulated and extracted. A carbon monoxide alarm has now been installed at the range, in the basement of police headquarters at Ripley. The force is also looking at long-term solutions.

These include using different ammunition and upgrading the ventilation system. A police spokesman said the force was also looking at collaborating with other forces, so that Derbyshire officers could train at ranges outside the county.

Outline planning permission exists for a new range but the spokesman said this would probably not be built because of a lack of funds.

He said: "There are a number of potential options for the force and authority to consider.

"One is Prada Replica Handbags an upgrading of the current ventilation system at an estimated cost of Pounds 70,000.

"The force will also be looking at other options including any collaboration work with other forces.

"The force also has outline planning approval for a newbuild firearms range but this will probably be cost-prohibitive."

The two officers who complained of headaches were both instructors. Derbyshire police said no other officers had been affected and that the instructors had only been affected because they spent more time at the range.

The officers were diagnosed by doctors as suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning but did not have any time off work.

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The range, which has been in use for more than 30 years, is used for around 66 days each year for live firing.

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Gang pledge to keep their head

2010-08-30 10:22:58

THE leader of Turangi's Mongrel Mob Notorious chapter says there was no need to consult the community about gang members attending a drug and alcohol addiction programme.

Fourteen gang members and their families are staying at the Club Habitat backpacker hostel as part of a seven-week Salvation Army residential substance abuse treatment programme.

Turangi Mongrel Mob Notorious head Edge Te Whaiti said the programme was held in Kakahi, near Taumarunui, last year without incident.

The gang wanted to repeat the programme this year because of the success members had kicking their habit, he said.

Only two out of the 12 people last year had relapsed.

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Turangi was chosen after two other venues, at Tokaanu and Cambridge, were ruled out. Community concerns with gang members staying at a hotel at Tokaanu and a Christian camp near Cambridge had forced management at both venues to cancel bookings.

"We had two weeks to find suitable accommodation and the backpackers in Turangi was available.

"We did not think we had to consult with the community beforehand because we have never had any problems in the past."

The Mongrel Mob had had a presence in Turangi since 1979 and residents were familiar with the gang.

"When the programme is finished the community won't even know we were here."

The families were welcomed with a powhiri on Monday.

Replica Breitling Swiss Avenger/Evolution Watches Certain conditions have been agreed to during the group's stay at the hostel. Nobody is allowed to leave the property unless they are attending a tangi or going to the doctor, or are accompanied by a minder.

Senior Sergeant Sue Douglas said police were taking a "neutral" stand on the programme.

"We will police it like any other event and the community should not be alarmed."

There had been no problems last year in Kakahi, Ms Douglas said.

"So far it's been good.

"You wouldn't know they were here."

Club Habitat manager Olwyn McNickel said the hostel remained opened to bookings.

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Moving On - I Can't Get Over Her And Start A New Relationship

2010-08-28 16:00:43

Although some men can handle tension Prada Handbags. there are few guys who suppose that it is difficult to forget an ex girlfriend. They will try to go back to that girl or simply call her every day hopping that will persuade her to re-ignite the old fires which passed weeks ago.Basically you must realize if you cannot get over it you are in trouble. Do you acknowledge why? Because she is not into you Backpacks Coach Handbags . it is likely she she is igoring you. She might already disregarded that you exist but here you are Chloe Handbags. recalling about all the extraordinary things you both enjoyed. I will tell you brother you need to get your life correctly.The idea you can not forget her is not because you know her a lot or she is the most beautiful woman since the queen of Egypt. no sir.You can not forget her because you have an emptiness within you. Yes I will say it again. you have a hole inside you. You haven not got the answer to fulfill so you think you can get from her. NO! She won not be efficient to fill it out for you. As a matter of fact nobody will. others may show you directions but you solely can fill it.Are you confused?Penetrate Here - Steps to Get Over Ex Girlfriend as Speedily as PossibleHere is what I mean; the hole I am lecturing about is called neediness. Many men are not capable to be themselves. they have to have a girlfriend on their side to be sure.The more stinking thing is they suppose the other person (girlfriend) will get them feel real. If they don not get one. they become unmanly. They don not have positive self-image and they are not adequate to be themselves till they receive the approval of others. If you are belonging to these human beings then you must to break that now.You require to find what that void is; you have to question yourself why you need that girl so bad. what causes you like her. Once you have the solution then dig more for more answers. This will assist you to acknowledge about yourself. It could be like feeling essential or the necessity for acceptance. When you find the decent answer learn activities that make you feel important. Is it finding different things. dangerous undertaking designer Handbags . learning new skills. it might be anything.When you have your needs completed you will look more compelling and confident the character that is attractive and appealing to women.Our powerful Information will instruct you to fill the void inside so you can move on and beginning a new relationship without look demanding.

eBay to pay Vuitton fine

2010-08-27 10:10:21

FRANCE: EBay is to pay about pound(s)201,000 to Louis Vuitton Malletier for legal costs Coach Luggage Bags and damages and stop using internet search terms, such as to "Viton" and "Vitton", to which the luxury goods firm objected, a Paris District Court ruled.

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The online auction site was found liable for harming the reputation of Louis Vuitton trademarks, the company name and domain name - all held by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton.

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EBay to appeal huge French cou

2010-08-27 10:10:21

EBay to appeal huge French counterfeit ruling

LOS ANGELES, July 1 (Xinhua) -- EBay said on Tuesday that it plans to appeal a 63 million-dollar ruling against it by a French commercial court that found it was liable for facilitating the sale of counterfeit luxury goods.

EBay called the ruling an attempt to "protect uncompetitive commercial practices at the expense of consumer choice and the livelihood of law-abiding sellers that eBay empowers everyday."

"We believe that this ruling represents a loss not only for us but for consumers and small businesses selling online. Therefore we will appeal," eBay said in a statement.

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The ruling stemmed from a claim by LVMH Group, a French luxury firm known for brands like Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Marc Jacobs and Givenchy, according to the San Fransisco Chronicle.

LVMH argued that eBay was guilty of gross misconduct and negligence for failing to prevent the sale of counterfeit items on online metal alloy beads stores its online auction site that traded on LVMH's brand names, the report said.

The court also ruled that eBay was not allowed to sell perfumes by Christian Dior, Givenchy, Guerlain and Kenzo, which LVMH mandates must be sold through approved distributors.

The ruling, which is not limited to France, could cause eBay to remove LVMH products from its site. It could also spell even more headaches if courts in America adopt a similar view toward online auctions.

The perfume ruling also calls into question consumers' right to turn around and resell an item they bought legitimately.

The ruling represents a troubling sign for eBay, which had until recently avoided claims that it is responsible for policing the counterfeit goods sold on its site.

LVMH defended the court's decision, saying: "This verdict represents an important step in the protection of brands and designs against parasitic practices."

"The court brings an important contribution to the protection of creative works which make up an important part of our national heritage and generate many jobs in France," LVMH said in a statement.

EBay maintains that it spends more than 20 million dollars a year to combat counterfeit goods, whose listings are immediately taken down when they are identified. The company, the world's largest auction site, employs 2,000 people to police counterfeits and has partnered with 18,000 brand owners to remove fake items.

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The company said the ruling is a case of overreaching by the French court, which it said is rewarding LVMH's attempts to remove competition from the marketplace.

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