Grecian Burn

2010-08-31 13:43:15

Adventure racing goes to new heights in inaugural Spartan Race


I am a desk jockey. Despite the seemingly glamorous title of "newspaper reporter," I MLB-Youth might as well be in a typing pool for the amount of keyboard pecking I do in a day. Warrior woman I am not. But that doesn't mean I'm not up for a ridiculous challenge when it presents itself. I might not have a hooker's chance in heaven of winning, but if the contest involves throwing spears, jumping over fire and getting pummeled by a giant wearing leather underwear, well, then, heck, sign me up.

When I heard about the first-ever Spartan Race - ostensibly an adult obstacle course meant to test even the meatiest gym rats and gung-ho-est jarheads - I knew I had to go. Scaling a greased wall and scurrying under barbed wire on a three-mile course sounded like too much fun to miss. With that attitude, I found myself crawling through a river of mud at the Catamount Outdoor Family Center on Sunday on a quest to become a modern-day Spartan.

The race - the first in a nine-city series - is the brainchild of Joe Desena, a Wall Street trading veteran turned ultra sports impresario and adventure masochist. Desena and his crew at Pittsfield, Vt. -based adventure-racing outfit PEAK Races decided to put on the Spartan Race as a way for regular folks like me to feel a sense of danger and excitement without taking true risks. (Tell that to the guy who broke his leg during the race or the woman who had to get stitches afterward.) Desena also designed the race as an antidote to our tech-dependent, sedentary lives, where many of us can't function without our iPhones within arm's length.

The Greek gods must have been pleased with Desena's ingenuity. The weather for the ugg event could not have been better - mid-60s, slightly breezy, with enough sunshine to bake the exposed bodies of the nearly naked Spartans milling around the venue.

I was not the only person intrigued by the event's quirky elements and gimmicky theme. The race sold out at SOO participants, all of whom paid $50 for the pleasure of getting the jelly kicked out of them by a course that mixed trail running with wacky obstacles. In addition to taking home the glory and respect that comes from winning one of Desena's wackadoodle races, the top three men and women nabbed "authentic" Spartan swag in the form of helmets and spears. More importantly, they won automatic entry into Desena's Death Race, billed as the world's toughest race. Sadly, I didn't win.

My heat took off at 11:30 a.m. That gave me time to schmooze with the aforementioned scantily clad Spartans hired to rouse the crowd, visit the blacksmithing tent and watch an archer shoot a flaming arrow into a one-story Wicker Man. It also gave me time to prepare for my own personal Battle of Thermopylae by scoping out the course, which consisted of a 1.6-mile loop filled with a dozen obstacles. Each participant had to run the course twice, assuming he or she didn't expire during the first lap.

As the clock crept closer to 11:30, my nerves kicked in. See, I hate running. I did more than my fair share of it as a student athlete in college, and now I never run unless I'm being chased. In the past five years, I've gone running twice - once two weeks ago and once on Sunday.

With that in mind, I trotted off with the other 125 people in my heat toward almost certain death. The first obstacle involved jumping a fire that spanned the width of the access road down which we were running. No problem. I didn't even notice the flames nipping at my ankles.

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Green Mountain Coffee Roasters

2010-08-31 13:43:14

Business Editors


GMCR Advances from #8 to #5 Second Year on List

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. (NASDAQ: GMCR) has been named 5th overall on Business Ethics magazine's 2004 list of the "100 Best Corporate Citizens." In this, the second year that the Company has appeared on this distinguished list, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters advanced from 8th (2003) to 5th rank overall. The Company joins other well known corporate citizens on this prestigious list including Fannie Mae (#1), The Timberland Company (#17), FedEx Corporation (#35), Wild Oats Markets, Inc. (#39), and Starbucks Coffee Co. (#45).

Now in its fifth year of publication, Business Ethics' 2004 list of the Best 100 Corporate Citizens has been compiled by KLD Research & Analytics of Boston. Seven stakeholder groups, including shareholders, minorities and NFL-Jerseys women, community, environment, employees, customers, and non-U.S. stakeholders were identified, and formed the basis of measuring and rating each company's performance. Sandra Waddock and Samuel Graves with the Carroll School of Management at Boston College did the data analysis.

The cover story in the Spring 2004 issue of Business Ethics noted that, "Bringing in top honors in service to overseas stakeholders were two firms: No. 1-ranked Fannie Mae and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (No. 5). With farmer cooperatives in Peru, Mexico, and Sumatra, Green Mountain pays Fair Trade prices for coffee beans." The Company purchased 2.6 million pounds of Fair Trade coffee in its fiscal year 2003. This provided the small-scale farmers and their families who grew this coffee with a decent standard of living, by paying them a well above market price for their high quality crop.

Robert Stiller, President and CEO of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. said, "It is an honor for Green Mountain to make Business Ethics' esteemed list two consecutive years, and to see our ranking advance from number eight to number five overall. I am particularly pleased that our efforts in purchasing and promoting Fair Trade coffees have been recognized. This recognition by Business Ethics reflects the support we have received from our employees, our customers, and our shareholders in making a positive difference in the world, while operating successfully as an innovative company in the specialty coffee industry."

"The 100 Best Corporate Citizens" is the cover story of the spring issue of Business Ethics, which for 17 years has encouraged businesses to adopt socially responsible practices. For additional information on this story, please visit .

Green ruehl Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. is a leader in the specialty coffee industry and has been recognized by Forbes Magazine for the past four years as one of the "200 Best Small Companies in America." Green Mountain Coffee seeks to make the Christain Louboutin Mary Janes Shoes world a better place for present and future generations by operating in an environmentally and socially conscientious manner. The Company contributes at least five percent of its pre-tax profit annually to support socially responsible initiatives, many of which it has supported for over 10 years. In 2003, the Rainforest Alliance recognized Green Mountain Coffee Roasters with its highest award as its "Corporate Sustainable Standard-Setter" for the Company's commitment to sourcing coffee in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Business Ethic
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Today in Barcelona

2010-08-31 00:02:04

DON'T MISS: Lisa Dobriskey in the women's 1500m final, 8.15pm. The silver medallist at last year's World Championships Chanel Fake Handbags in Berlin, will have an added incentive as she battles for a medal in the Olympic Stadium.

Earlier this month she was beaten in Paris by Anna Alminova and made no secret of her suspicions as the Russian ran the fastest time by a woman in four years in her first international race since serving a three-month drug ban.

"She looked like she could run five seconds faster," said Dobriskey (below). "It's crazy really. Initially you feel quite angry but you have to try to take your emotions aside, channel that anger and make it work for you."

Dobriskey will be joined on the start-line by fellow Britons Hannah England and Stephanie Twell.

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OTHER BRITS TO WATCH Andi Jones, Lee Merrien, Ben Moreau, Dan Robinson, Dave Webb, Martin Williams, men's marathon, 9.05am; Chris Tomlinson men's long jump final 7.10pm; GB women's 4x400m relay team, final 8.40pm; GB men's 4x400m relay team, final 8.55pm.

WORTH A LOOK Women's high jump final, 6.30pm. Croatia's Blanka Vlasik is a two-time world Ballet flats champion but has never won a European Championships medal. She goes for gold in a top-class competition featuring the only other women in the world to clear two metres this season: Ariane Friedrich, of Germany, Italy's Anonietta Di Martino and Spaniard Ruth Beitia.

MEDALS AVAILABLE: 11 TV COVERAGE BBC 2: 9-11.30am, BBC 2 6- 9.30pm.


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Today in history

2010-08-31 00:01:56

* In 1847, Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley in present-day Utah.

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* In 1937, the state of Alabama dropped charges against four of the nine young black men accused of raping two white women in the Scottsboro case.

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* In 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts - two of whom had been the first men to set foot on the moon - splashed down safely in the Pacific.

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How To Push His Emotional Hot Buttons - Expert Advice To Get Your Ex Back

2010-08-30 11:21:03

When the man you love tells you it is over. the feeling of loss is almost unbearable. As you watch him walk away. it seems as if he is taking your whole life with him. But it does not have to be that way. He has emotional hot buttons the same as you and if you learn to push them the right way. he will come running back.It is a well known fact that women and men react differently to love and breakups. Right now you are torn apart emotionally and you have the urge to run to your ex and pour your heart out. You feel that if he would only talk to you. it would be easy to convince him that you belong together. On the other hand Hermes Handbags . he wants to be left alone to think and work things out. That is one of the differences you have to take into account when it comes to getting your ex back. To make him love you again. you will have to stop thinking like a woman and think as he does. If you push his emotional hot buttons in the right way at the right time. he will not be able to stay away from you.The first button you have to push is to let him see what his life is without you. To do that Chloe Handbags. you need to ignore him completely and go on with your life. He knows you are still in love with him. so he is expecting you to chase him and beg him to forgive you. When you do not do what he expects Handbag Hook Handbags . his first hot button is pushed and he will wonder if he misjudged you. He will think that maybe you do not love him after all.The next hot button to push is to let him see that you are not sitting by the phone waiting for him to call. Get with your friends and go out for some fun. Be sure to look your best and hit some of the places he hangs out AH Handbags. and make sure he sees that you are not crying your eyes out over him. When he sees you going on with your life and how great you look. he will be afraid of losing you.All of these things you are doing will push his biggest hot button of all. He will feel as if he was the one that was rejected and this will give him a feeling of loss. Since men cannot stand rejection or the thought of losing something they think is theirs. his hot buttons will be pushed big time and he will not be able to rest until he has you back.