Roozbeh Farahanipour Elected t

2010-07-20 16:05:57

LOS ANGELES, July 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the elections held on June 26th 2010 with an unprecedented massive participation of Westwood residents, business owners, students and UCLA faculty, employees and those dependent on or Basketball Shoes using the services of the Westwood Community, Roozbeh Farahanipour was elected as a representative of the Business group to the newly founded Westwood Neighborhood Council. In this capacity, Farahanipour expects to improve business opportunities and job creation in the area, hopes to revive the lively and vibrant atmosphere of this diverse community and to preserve and protect the freedoms of Iranian expatriates from the encroachments of the fanatical Islamic Republic in Iran within Westwood, this beating heart of Iranian freedom in the United States.

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Westwood, as an important community in West Los Angeles has also been the business, political and cultural heart of the Iranian- American community in the United States since 1979. The electoral victory of Farahanipour is another great opportunity for the Iranian expatriate community to participate in the democratic process of the United States, to promote their needs and to contribute to the community at large.

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Farahanipour believes that the considerable participation of younger generation Iranian expatriates in these elections will greatly contribute to their future abilities in the democratic process as well as their executive skills and responsibilities.

Roozbeh Farahanipour thanks all the participants in the elections for their volunteer work, their voting and for their confidence in their elected candidates.

You can find Farahanipour at and

Web Site: or http://

SOURCE Marze Por Gohar

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UN discusses Iran sanctions de

2010-07-19 14:58:15

Members of the UN Security Council have agreed on a package of strong new sanctions to impose on Iran over its disputed nuclear program, Hillary Clinton, the U.S. secretary of state, announced.

The draft resolution was passed to all 15 members of the UN Security Council by the permanent five on Tuesday.

Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey, reporting from New York, said: "I don't think this resolution rises to the level of crippling sanctions, which the Obama adminsitration had called for months ago, but it is a very extensive sanctions resolution by UN standards.

"This draft resolution, which is yet to be adopted, does not close the door on further discussions with Iran.

"In fact, it includes elements of an incentive package for Iran to cooperate with nuclear inspectors and international demands as far as its nuclear program is concerned.

"The resolution also touches upon Iran's finance and shipping industry, the Revolutionary Guards and contains a blanket ban on Air Jordan Retro Iran from importing any conventional arms."

Before the resolution was passed out, Clinton said the deal had been reached in cooperation with China and Russia, who have previously resisted calls for a new round of sanctions.

"The fact that [Clinton] pointed out that China and Russia were on board is a big deal for the U.S., because that was the biggest concern for the Obama administration," Al Jazeera's correspondent Patty Culhane said.

In Clinton's comments on Tuesday, she said Iran was trying to deflect pressure with the fuel swap deal it agreed to on Monday.

Iran and non-permanent Security Council members Brazil and Turkey said they had agreed on a confidence-building plan for Iran to swap nuclear materials that many believed would blunt the U.S.-led drive for a fourth round of UN penalties on Iran.

The agreement calls for Iran to ship 1 200kg of low-enriched uranium to Turkey, in return for higher^enriched nuclear fuel for a medical research reactor.

Clinton's announcement on Tuesday came despite an appeal from Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, for the international community to support the fuel swap deal.

"I urge the Swiss Replica Concord Watches international community to support the final declaration for the sake of world peace," Erdogan told a press conference in Spain.

"There is a unique chance before us and I believe we should take this chance."

But Clinton said it was not an "accident that Iran agreed" to the fuel swap as the U.S. was preparing to move forward with sanctions. Chanel Jewellery

"This announcement is as convincing an answer to the efforts undertaken by Tehran over the last few days as any we could provide," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"There are a number of unanswered questions regarding the announcement coming from Tehran.

"While we acknowledge the sincere efforts of both Turkey and Brazil to find a solution regarding Iran's standoff with the international community over its nuclear program, we are proceeding to rally the international community on behalf of a strong sanctions resolution that will in our view send an unmistakable message about what is expected from Iran."

The U.S. and its
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Did Germany block illegal Iran

2010-07-19 14:58:14

BERLIN - Customs officials arrested German businessmen in a German airport recently on their way to deliver Basketball Shoes unlawful nuclear technology for the Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

However, RYdiger Hagen, a spokesman for the German customs control agency's criminal division, told The Jerusalem Post there was "no ongoing investigation that can be attributed to" Bushehr, the city on the southwestern coast of Iran where a nuclear power plant is being built in cooperation with Russia.

Reuters cited unnamed Western diplomats on Thursday as saying, "The arrests had infuriated Russia, which complained to members of the UN Security Council's Iran sanctions committee."

Ruslan Bakhtin, a spokesman for the Russian mission to the United Nations in New York, told the Post he had "no comment" on the media reports.

A spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry also declined to comment on the alleged diplomatic row with Russia. She wrote in an e-mail to the Post that "on the issue of the supposed arrests, I refer you to the justice authorities of Hesse, where you may also ask the appropriate prosecutor."

Dagmar Dsring, a spokeswoman for the Hesse state Judicial Ministry, told the Post that "there is no process involving arrests."

According to a Wall Street Journal report on Thursday, a German firm sought "more than a month ago" to deliver dual-use parts, which can be used for both military and civilian purposes, for the Russian-built plant Bushehr.

Export of the sophisticated equipment constitutes a violation of European Union restrictions on the transfer of dual-use technology to Iran.

The German engineering giant Siemens AG designed the Bushehr power plant in the 1970s but walked away from its contract with Teheran after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Nuclear experts argue that helps to explain the Iranian procurement effort in Germany, because Bushehr requires German-based technology to operate.

The state-controlled Iranian Press TV reported on Thursday that Bushehr is slated to be up and running in August. According to Press TV, Sergei V. Kiriyenko, the director of Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear energy corporation, told Russian news organizations, "We are counting on the nuclear power station launching in August, if everything goes as planned."

Critics have long said that German and Iranian businessman have managed to deliver nuclear technology to Iran over the years because of Germany's lax export controls.

"Various scandals regarding illegal Iran trade during the last years show that Germany needs to implement a much stricter export control system, and it should throw out Iranian Replica Concord Watches Asia state companies like the Ascotec GmbH in DYsseldorf and the front companies of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines in Hamburg," Jonathan Weckerle, a spokesman for the German chapter of the Stop the Bomb organization, told the Post.

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Stop the Bomb seeks to dramatically curtail Germany's flourishing trade relationship with Teheran and to promote Iran's growing democracy movement.

"German exports to Iran increased by 3 percent in February 2010 when compared to February 2009. Imports even increased 159%, according to the
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Say no to polythene [Ranchi]

2010-07-16 02:36:29

RANCHI: For the first time in Jharkhand, residents appear to have become quite conscious about contributing to the environment.

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Though various environment-related drives have been launched by social activists and the government, too, creates awareness regarding that, less people reciprocate to these efforts.

One such effort has been made by the proprietor of Angithi restaurant, Mihir Topno. Inspired by eco-friendly ideas, he parcels meals to his customers in tissue bags.

Topno said: "Apart from being environment-friendly, tissue bags keep food warm for a longer duration. Polythene packets are generally used for throwing away household garbage and end up in garbage dumps. They pollute the environment. So, we thought why not give something to our customers which they can use for a better purpose. Moreover, even when it is thrown away, it won't harm the environment."

Customers too are quite happy. A customer, Rita Kachhap, said, "It is nice to see that they have come up with such a nice concept."

Another shop to show such an effort is an optical house. Its proprietor Amit said, "I had read many articles regarding the harmful effects of polythene. So, I decided to switch to tissue bags."

That apart, apartment residents are also contributing towards the environment in their own way. Enlightened by awareness campaigns and television advertisements, they are now trying to save power. One of the residents, Asha Hirani, said, "I learnt from a TV advertisement that keeping air-conditioner on sleep mode at night saves power. I discussed about it with my kitty ladies group and we have started keeping our air-conditioners in sleep mode at night."

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Bindu, a resident of Anugrah Enclave, Naya Toli, said, "I keep the temperature of my AC in the range of 24-26 degrees. Apart from being environment-friendly, it also reduces my electricity bill." For Reprint Rights:

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Saying it with flowers as care

2010-07-16 02:36:28

AFTER 16 years of service caretaker Michael Reynolds said goodbye to his "adopted family" -- the children from St Michael's Primary School in Exeter.

And in honour of all his hard work and help, he was nominated for the Echo's Bouquet of the Week by head teacher Catherine Pawley.

She said "Our thanks as a school community go to him after all he has done over so many years -- he will be difficult to replace".

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Mr Reynolds, 70, from Beacon Heath, was in charge of keeping classrooms spick and span, dedicating 20 hours each week. The Echo surprised Mr Reynolds, who previously worked for 40 years with the former South West Electricity Board, with his bouquet at his special leaving assembly.

He said: "I will miss the pupils who have been like an adopted family. Because I don't have children of my own they were all very special.

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"I have seen the children grow up and in one instance there were four children from the same family in the school at the same time. The staff at the school are very nice and make it a nice place to work."

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