Saying it with flowers as care

AFTER 16 years of service caretaker Michael Reynolds said goodbye to his "adopted family" -- the children from St Michael's Primary School in Exeter.

And in honour of all his hard work and help, he was nominated for the Echo's Bouquet of the Week by head teacher Catherine Pawley.

She said "Our thanks as a school community go to him after all he has done over so many years -- he will be difficult to replace".

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Mr Reynolds, 70, from Beacon Heath, was in charge of keeping classrooms spick and span, dedicating 20 hours each week. The Echo surprised Mr Reynolds, who previously worked for 40 years with the former South West Electricity Board, with his bouquet at his special leaving assembly.

He said: "I will miss the pupils who have been like an adopted family. Because I don't have children of my own they were all very special.

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"I have seen the children grow up and in one instance there were four children from the same family in the school at the same time. The staff at the school are very nice and make it a nice place to work."

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