Scully still has Wire in the b


ST HELENS legend Paul Sculthorpe is backing his former club Warrington to take the spoils in Saturday's Carnegie Challenge Cup final at Wembley (ko 2.30pm).

Sculthorpe moved from Warrington to Saints in a then world record transfer deal for a forward back in 1997.

He went on to win every major honour in the game at Knowsley Road before retiring as a player, but he still has a great affection for the Wolves.

He said: "I'd like to see Warrington win it. I've got good friends at the club and thoroughly enjoyed my time there.

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"Having won it last year, I'm sure they'll be hungry to keep hold of the Cup.

"It won't be easy against Leeds but I think Warrington will be in the right frame of mind to take it.

"Whichever way it goes it should be a cracking game."

Sculthorpe believes the match could be decided by the individual performances of some key men.

The former back-to-back Man of Steel winner picked out three players from each side he believes could make the difference at Wembley: Lee Briers (Warrington) "I know Lee really well and he's a quality player. "He's always been someone who can read a game and knows what's needed.

"His kicking game is the best in Super league - he can put it exactly where he wants it. He can produce the big play when it's needed most."

Danny McGuire (Leeds) "Quite a different type of stand-off from Lee, but very effective just the same. Danny's a fantastic support player and a real sniffer of opportunities.

"He's got a lot of pace and you can Christian louboutin Shoes bet him and Brent Webb will be looking to take full advantage if Leeds have any joy with breaks up the middle."

Adrian Morley (Warrington) "Moz has a big presence on the field for Warrington. He inspires a lot of the other players. The likes of Ben Westwood and Louis Anderson have been going really well too in the Warrington pack.

"But Moz is the leader and I think the others look to him to set the example." Danny Buderus (Leeds) "He came to England with a big reputation having captained Australia. With his experience, Leeds will be expecting him to rise to the occasion at Wembley.

"He'll be directing things from dummy-half and looking to make sure they take the right options.

"He can come up with some inspiration as we replica omega watches saw in the semi when he created a try with a great reverse pass against Saints."

Michael Monaghan (Warrington) "He's another outstanding player and a real thinker. He gives great service whether he plays at hooker or dummy-half.

"Warrington will be looking to him to steer them round the field and he showed by winning the Lance Todd Trophy last year he's one for the big occasion."

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