Nursery's Beach Break Live boo

NURSERY schoolchildren in Pembrey are to get an outdoor play area thanks to Beach Break Live (BBL).

Student festival organiser Ian Forshew handed over a cheque for Pounds 2,000 to the nursery group Cylch Meithrin.

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Cylch assistant Vanessa Naylor said: "If it had not been for the council going ahead with the festival we would still be fighting for funding.

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"Now we will be able to take the children out into a safe and secure environment.

"Our park does not just belong to Pembrey and Burry Port, it belongs to the people of Carmarthenshire, and anybody else who wishes to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

"We contacted the organisers of BBL via Nicola Hopkins, a student of Coleg Sir Gar. She had an online campaign in support of BBL with 4,000 supporters. The organisers approached Nicola and asked if she knew of any local charities they could support. They were very keen to get involved with the community."

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Mr Forshew said: "As a result of this relationship with Nicola, we asked her if she knew any good community projects she was aware of and she recommended the nursery."

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