Falling In Love With A Friend

You've seen the scenes churned out by Hollywood films where after a lot of heartbreak between the protagonists in their quest for love. the best friends come together in the end and realize that they belong together. You can't always control fate and it's plans for your love life when you find yourself falling in love with your friend and it's a worse pang when he informs you that your feelings are not reciprocated therefore jeopardizing your friendship. Either way Wallets Handbags. how do you go about dealing with this transition? Like many things. there is no easy way.

1} To tell him or not

That is the question Christian Dior Handbags . isn't it? Know right off the bat that you are treading on very thin ice. whichever way you decide to go. But it is advisable to try and get it over with. Maybe you've been feeling vulnerable because he's been there for you during a rough patch in your life and you perceive this to be an expression of romantic love when he is just being a very good friend. If this is the case then try to stay away from him for a while to allow the cloudiness to clear. Try also not to spend a lot of alone time with him as this will only allow your misplaced feelings to breed. But after you do all this and you still feel the same then save yourself a lot of sleepless nights and just let it out. Then hold your breathe.

2} When you do tell him

Seeing that you're his friend. you must know him pretty well… right? If you are falling in love with a friend then you need to know that he won't exactly appreciate you blurting it out just when he least expects it. unless you are the nervous type and can't seem to hold it together another minute. Set the scene. preferably somewhere private. Let him know beforehand that there's something important that you need to tell him as a mental heads-up. This way nothing out of proportion will occur when you finally lay your heart out.

3} The repercussions

You've taken a big risk so congratulations. Now wait for the aftermath of your talk… If he does not share your feelings Waist Handbags . you have to assume caution and a lot of maturity. It's not his fault that he doesn't feel the same way. He just doesn't. So if you value your friendship so as to press on with it. good for you. But you need to be honest with yourself if you find it hard to stand aside and watch him date other women while you bottle up your own feeling. Sooner or later. you are bound to explode as a side effect of falling in love with a friend. Take some time apart and use it to help you both get over the bump and remember why you became friends in the first place. If this doesn't work and it's clear that things will never be the same again between you two. then it would be better to end the friendship.

On the other hand. before telling him Hermes Handbags. you can predict his reaction to your confession by studying him as a friend in terms of his demeanor towards you. As women. we have an instinct about men so in your observations. you may realize that your friend may have just been harboring the same feelings for you but fearing your reaction. he chose to keep them to himself. If this is the case then you are on the verge of a very promising beginning. If you caught him by surprise with your confession and he doesn't balk but instead agrees that your relationship is ready for the next level Cross Handbags . you are also good to go.

4} Talk it out

It's said that you must never begin a relationship without laying out some ground rules and that includes friendships. Now that your relationship with your friend has transcended into new territory Fendi Handbags. this rule still applies. Be open about your expectations of each other to smoothen the transition. If along the way you both find that the relationship is veering off course then you need to stop and talk about whether you want to work at it or whether you want to resume your status of just being friends. It's good to be in love. It's even better when you're in love with your best friend and he loves you back.

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