2010-06-10 13:39:56
MICHAEL Jackson stayed holed up at the Hempel Hotel for hours and the shops were closed by the time he surfaced.
replica tag heuer watches So the megastar, in town for tonight's World Music Awards, called on Topshop's West End flagship store to open up at midnight especially for him.
Jacko apparently left with several shirts and a jacket. And he also spent ages in the lingerie department. Hmm... Clip on charms
Topshop recently signed up supermodel Kate Moss to design a range of clothes for them. So Burberry Replica Handbags who knows, a line in Thriller-style tasselled jackets might be next...
2010-06-10 13:39:33
MICHAEL Jackson stayed holed up at the Hempel Hotel for hours and the shops were closed by the time he surfaced.
replica tag heuer watches So the megastar, in town for tonight's World Music Awards, called on Topshop's West End flagship store to open up at midnight especially for him.
Jacko apparently left with several shirts and a jacket. And he also spent ages in the lingerie department. Hmm... Clip on charms
Topshop recently signed up supermodel Kate Moss to design a range of clothes for them. So Burberry Replica Handbags who knows, a line in Thriller-style tasselled jackets might be next...