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A SCHOOLGIRL enjoyed the red carpet treatment when she met and interviewed the stars of a new Hollywood film.

Thirteen-year-old Victoria Bowes, from Rawlett Community Sports College, Tamworth, was chosen as part of an after-school film club initiative - and met the stars and director of new film Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

Victoria is a member of FILMCLUB, a UK charity which offers school children the chance to 'journey through the world of film through weekly screenings, online reviewing and industry events'.

As well shoes size chart for women as being invited to attend a special preview screening of the film in London, she interviewed eight cast members, including stars Anna Kendrick and Michael Cera.

Victoria also walked the red Cinema in Leicester Square.

Victoria said: "I thought that the junket was an amazing experience.

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"Meeting all of the actors and the director of Scott Pilgrim vs The World was absolutely fantastic and I think that we learned a lot about what happens in between the scenes and what the actors feel about their characters and about each other."

She added: "All of the stars were really kind and seemed so much like us that it was really easy to talk to them."

Victoria became a junior reporter for the day as part of FILMCLUB's Close Encounters programme, which enables school children to interact with film industry professionals and find out first hand what it is like to work in the film business.

The club has been running at the school since May 2009. It was recently awarded Star School status Replica Swiss Watches for being active with their film discussions and the variety of films they have watched in the club.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World was released in UK cinemas yesterday (Wednesday).

Project aims to make a reel change - and is absolutely free FILMCLUB is a nationwide charity which offers school children the chance to journey through the world of film through weekly screenings, online reviewing and industry events.

More than 4,800 schools in the UK have joined the initiative, with more than 151,000 (as of August 2010) young people already benefiting from the exposure to inspiring and potentially life- changing films every week.

The project aims to "inspire, excite and open up new avenues for learning'. FILMCLUB is absolutely free if you're a state-funded school in England.

For further information and for details how to join visit carpet at the European premiere held at the Empire

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