Robbers are jailed after press

Agang of robbers who targeted a vulnerable man have been jailed after they were named and shamed in the press.

Members of the group burst into the home of Kenneth Santillo, who has mental health problems, brandishing a weapon and ordering him replica Versace Handbags to hand over his money. The men fled after snatching Pounds 30, his mobile phone and wallet in October last year.

But when our sister paper the Evening Post ran CCTV stills of the suspects, they chose to do the right thing and handed themselves in.

Four men admitted robbery.

They were: David Atkins, 21, of Gibbsfold Road, Hartcliffe; Luke Gosling, 20, of Portbury Grove, Shirehampton; Matthew Atkins, 20, of Culverwell Road, Hartcliffe and Kevin Davis, 33, of Gibbsfold Road, Hartcliffe. Mark Gosling, 25, of Moxham Drive, Hartcliffe, admitted attempted fraud. Sentencing them at Bristol Crown Court yesterday, Judge Simon Darwall-Smith said: "This was a disgraceful incident and something which all members of the public fear.

"He was a vulnerable victim, a man with mental health difficulties, and you were acting as a group or a gang."

The judge handed Davis three years' jail and David Atkins three- and-a-half years. Mark Gosling was jailed for 18 months while Matthew Atkins and Luke Gosling each received 33 months' detention in a young offenders institution.

Kirsty Real, prosecuting, said Mr Santillo was alone at his flat when the front door buzzer sounded and he youth-jerseys let someone in after they offered to sell him cigarettes.

Three men then entered his ralph lauren flat, with David Atkins holding a knife and demanding money. Mr Santillo handed over Pounds 30 and the intruders searched the flat and took his phone and wallet before leaving.

Police found CCTV showing the Gosling brothers at the front door with the others.

Stills were published in the press and the defendants contacted police to say they were involved.

Ramin Pakrooh,, defending Matthew Atkins, said the men had intended a distraction burglary.

Ian Halliday, defending Mark Gosling, said the father-of-six admitted attempted fraud on the basis he thought it would be a con trick and the victim would be sold empty cigarette cartons.

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