and the Duchy of Bar

2011-02-26 14:53:08

I was talking about this one day in the King's chamber stainless steel cross rings, when my sister De Thianges had the hardihood to say:.
"I hear that the Messieurs de Lorraine are about to take their departure, and that, having lost all hope of making themselves beloved, they have resolved to make themselves feared".
The King looked impassively at my sister, showing not a sign of emotion, and he said to her:.
"Do you visit there".
"Sire," replied Madame de Thianges, unabashed, "augment the number, not of your enemies, but of your friends; of all policies that is the best" The King never said a word.
Soon afterwards, the Lorraines appealed secretly to the Empire and the Emperor The King was only waiting for such an opportunity; he forthwith sent Marshal de Crequi at the head of twenty thousand men, who invaded Lorraine, which had already been ravaged, and the Duchy of Bar, which had not.
The manifesto stated the motives for such complaint, alleging that the Duke had not been at the pains to observe the Treaty of Metz with regard to the surrender of Harsal, and, as a punishment, his entire sovereignty would be confiscated.
A large army then marched upon Peronne; it had been formed at Saint Germain, and was divided into two columns The first went to join the Duc de Crequi, who occupied Lorraine; the other took up its position near Sedan, to keep the Flemish and Dutch in check in case of any attempted rebellion.
The Lorraines, in despair, gave themselves up to the Emperor, who, aware of their fine soldierly qualities, bestowed upon both high posts of command They caused great losses to France and keen anxiety to her King.
Embassy of the King of Arda--Political Influence Exercised by the Good Looks of Madame de Montespan--Gifts of the Envoys--What the Comte de Vegin Takes for a Horse--Madame de Montespan Entertains Them in Her Own House--Three Missionaries Recommend Her to Them.
From the wilds of Africa, the King x of Arda sent an embassy no less brilliant and far more singular than that of the Turks.


the waters were unusually agit

2011-02-24 17:30:48

"What means all this" he murmured "Laws of gravity disturbed Points of the compass reversed The length of day reduced one half Surely this will indefinitely postpone my meeting with the count Something has happened; Ben Zoof and I cannot both be mad".
The orderly sterling silver dolphin jewelry, meantime, surveyed his master with the greatest equanimity; no phenomenon, however extraordinary, would have drawn from him a single exclamation of surprise "Do you see anyone, Ben Zoof" asked the captain, at last.
"No one, sir; the count has evidently been and gone" "But supposing that to be the case," persisted the captain, "my seconds would have waited, and not seeing me, would have come on towards the gourbi I can only conclude that they have been unable to get here; and as for Count Timascheff--".
Without finishing his sentence Captain Servadac, thinking it just probable that the count, as on the previous evening, might come by water, walked to the ridge of rock that overhung the shore, in order to ascertain if the _Dobryna_ were anywhere in sight But the sea was deserted, and for the first time the captain noticed that, although the wind was calm, the waters were unusually agitated, and seethed and foamed as though they were boiling It was very certain that the yacht would have found a difficulty in holding her own in such a swell Another thing that now struck Servadac was the extraordinary contraction of the horizon Under ordinary circumstances, his elevated position would have allowed him a radius of vision at least five and twenty miles in length; but the terrestrial sphere seemed, in the course of the last few hours, to have become considerably reduced in volume, and he could now see for a distance of only six miles in every direction.
Meantime, with the agility of a monkey, Ben Zoof had clambered to the top of a eucalyptus, and from his lofty perch was surveying the country to the south, as well as towards both Tenes and Mostaganem On descending, be informed the captain that the plain was deserted.



2011-02-24 11:07:56
還記得我們介紹過 嗎?原本這吉他定在12月11日推出的,但近日Gibson 官方網站已將開售倒數時計暫定,並宣報將 Firebird X 延期推出。
(吉他考级 @)至於具體有什麼改進,則沒詳細交待,唯一新的資訊是,吉他將採用全新的塗裝,及公佈了紅、藍兩種顏色。關於這種全新的上色方法,概念原來是來自一場水浸。今年五月時, Gibson 納什維爾(Nashville)的工廠因暴雨而水浸,LP啊、SG啊一堆吉他給雨水浸得慘不忍睹,連用來為吉他上油用的顏料也被沖至四散。(吉他培训 @)
水浸過後,當員工收拾殘局時,竟發現乾在地上的顏料混出來的圖案很有特色,今次 Firebird X 的新裝,概念就是由些而生!
不過,類似的塗裝方式Gibson 肯定不是第一個,過去 Ibanez 為 Steve Vai 出過的迷彩 JEM 早就玩過了啊!話說回來,這些「改進」有令你增加對 Firebird X 的好感嗎?
(广州吉他培训 @)原先的樣子:
Gibson Firebird X 官方「新」介紹:
Gibson 官方解說水浸和 Firebird X 的關系 :



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